Recording spreadesheet and checklist
This is the new Cambridgeshire list to be used for 2021 records - view it and download the spreadsheet here. It will confuse many of you, as it now starts with gamebirds and the whole non-passerine order is rearranged. This list has provisional codes for Dusky and Radde's warblers and Lammergeier, (assuming they go through county and national records committees).
This is the new Cambridgeshire list to be used for 2021 records - view it and download the spreadsheet here. It will confuse many of you, as it now starts with gamebirds and the whole non-passerine order is rearranged. This list has provisional codes for Dusky and Radde's warblers and Lammergeier, (assuming they go through county and national records committees).
If you have used the existing one for January, no problem, start with this one from February, but if you haven't done your January records yet then use the new order.
If you have used the existing one for January, no problem, start with this one from February, but if you haven't done your January records yet then use the new order.
Other changes are the inclusion of columns for breeding evidence and grid references. Clearly these are optional, but it will obviously add value to a relevant record if you do have breeding evidence. It will also help us with streamlining data submitted directly to the Club with that supplied via Birdtrack.
Other changes are the inclusion of columns for breeding evidence and grid references. Clearly these are optional, but it will obviously add value to a relevant record if you do have breeding evidence. It will also help us with streamlining data submitted directly to the Club with that supplied via Birdtrack.
For those of you who do direct records submissions to the Cambridgeshire Bird Club, could you please use this revised spreadsheet from now on. (All 2020 records will be converted for you, which is also true for BirdTrack records).
For those of you who do direct records submissions to the Cambridgeshire Bird Club, could you please use this revised spreadsheet from now on. (All 2020 records will be converted for you, which is also true for BirdTrack records).
Note that this new spreadsheet continues to note which species are currently county or national description species, should you be lucky enough to be the finder of a rarity!
See the BOU list, dated 24 January 2020
View the previous BOU list, dated 1 February 2019