Join the club
All members receive a copy of the annual report, copies of the monthly electronic bulletin, and are able to attend the meetings of the Club.
Anyone interested in joining the Club should contact the Membership Secretary: Clive Sinclair Charlotte Place, Pool Bank, Pontesbury Hill, Pontesbury, SHREWSBURY SY5 0YJ
Phone - 01743 791 971
A membership form can be downloaded as a PDF. Click for information on membership and the membership application form
The current annual subscription rates are:
Full - standard rate: £17
Senior - anyone over 65: £12
Concessionary – available on request, e.g. for those unable to work through disability, at discretion of the Membership Secretary: £12
Student - anyone under 18, or over 18 and still in full-time education: £8
Please note that Club subscriptions fall due on 1st January.
Read the club's data protection policy.